
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

You Are What Your Mind Is | 'Werkit' Out Wednesday

Today sucked. 

I woke up too tired. I woke up to grumpy. I didn't want to do anything

However, since I started the Strolling Eagles group (part of TeamRWB El Paso), I knew I had to get out of the house and get up with them to do our weekly Wednesday 5K. 

Now, I've been having issues with my stroller keeping air in it's tires. I don't know if it's the desert out here, the heat or if it's just my luck. I have horrible luck with tires. Ask anyone of my friends. I'm always changing a tire on the car, the truck, or pumping air into my stroller. 

The best lesson in life that my dad ever gave me was how to change a tire on the car. Fathers out there ... Make sure you teach your daughter  (or son) how to change a tire. 

It's a very important life lesson. 

Anyways, I did not want to work out today at all, so the fact that I had to put air in the tire again, get my butt all the way to Fort Bliss, and still have to put on a happy face when I see the ladies  ... because actually, I am happy to see them, I just don't want to run. 

By the time I got to Fort Bliss, I was ready to run and get it over. However, we waited, out of courtesy for another woman, who was running a little late. 

Face it,

We know what happens when you have little kids and you're trying to get out the door ... I mean look at me. I really didn't want to come out. 

Either way, we waited 10 minutes and I think that's what got me. My body was like, "Well you're here but you're not running ... so let's just go and be more grumpy."

We finally stepped out on foot through the trail. The trail is dirt, but it's like a graded dirt. It's still hard on a stroller ... pushing a 26 pound child ... and with freshly watered from sprinklers. Not to mention that the tired I just pumped up is now going flat. 


I was not happy. 

Totally wasn't feeling it, was getting tired, and the sun was hot. It just didn't feel right. My brain was definitely beating my body. 

Luckily, the women that I run with are very supportive and when someone would pass me, they would cheer me on. One lady walked with me for a little bit. But the whole fact is that my brain beat me. 

The brain is the most powerful muscle in your body and if it says it's not going to do something, it's not going to do something. You have to trick it , and tell it that it's not in charge right now. 

Now, we don't want it to totally stop working because we all know what happens when people don't use their brains. However, if we make it work for us and make it think what we want it to think ,we can accomplish anything. 

That's in an any life situation. 

When you're running and you don't want to or you're trying to get to that extra mile you don't want to or if you're trying to get that job and it just seems too out of reach or if you can't reach that promotion that you been trying to get. 

You really have to believe in yourself.

If it's something you really want to accomplish, you're going to accomplish it and you've got to find a way to how to. Whether that's tricking your brain into thinking that you can do it or excepting defeat and try again. 

It's not an issue to accept defeat because sometimes our goals maybe unattainable at the moment. You can't beat yourself up if you don't make it, you try, try again. 

That's one big thing in my family. We never say we can't do something. 

We always try and if we don't succeed, we'll try again or will try to do it a different way. 

I know I won't be the best runner out there. However, if I can be my own personal last timed event, Then I have succeeded in something. 

There's always going to be someone better than you, no matter what you might succeed in. You may succeed in one thing but fail in another. Or you might not succeed in anything but you might just reach that standard and that's okay. 

That's you.

I'm sort of talking in circles right now but the whole fact is that you have to believe in yourself and you have to change your mindset on how you want to achieve your goals or achieve the day. 

If you want to be grumpy all day long, then be grumpy all day long. That's fine. Just understand that if you're grumpy all day long, then your kids will be grumpy all day long, your spouse will be grumpy all day long, whoever you encounter will be grumpy because you're setting off that vibe to everyone. 

Try, just try, to see the good in whatever situation arises. Don't mask it just realize there is a good to a bad. 

I didn't want to go out today and the pharmacy wouldn't fill my sons prescription (a whole other stupid story),  now I have to go to the doctor and do a whole new prescription for him. Blah blah blah.... BUT I still went to that run and I let out that anger on the track ...even though it wasn't my best run.

Not even close.

Though, I can see that if I had gone home and sulked, it would've been a lazy, lazy day and I wouldn't have accomplished anything.

And I would be completely MISERABLE. 

Today's going to be busy, but I've set my mind to accomplish what I need to accomplish today and we'll see how it goes.

Good Luck y'all!

You be YOU!

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